sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008


In Argentina, abortion is illegal and it is strongly sanctioned by authorities, however it is considered "not punishable" in certain circumstances, but those circumstances are strictly limited by law. It is easy to say that the main reason for that rejection against abortion is the strong catholic tradition in Argentina, but although abortion is considering a crime against life by Catholic Church, it should be accepted by argentinean government, and in that way support women’s rights.

First of all, taking into account the medical opinion, it is very easy to say the importance of the approbation of abortion by argentinean government. If we talk about mother’s health, abortion can be considered as a tool to save the woman’s life in case that this is at risk or to protect her if she is not in a good mental condition to take care of the baby. In another case, abortion can be useful if the fetus has some kind of deformation which will probably kill him at birth or few months later after the birth. A few years ago, an argentinean woman, mother of 4 kids, got pregnant and the baby that was growing inside her became a danger for the woman’s health, abortion was totally illegal at that time, so during childbirth the woman died and left five orphans.
In addition, it is important to have in mind the importance of abortion in the women’s rights. For example the right of women to control their own bodies in case that they don’t want to have a baby because that pregnancy is the result of a raped, it is an argument very strong to accept abortion in a society.
On the other hand, there are strong arguments against abortion. For example the fact that one of the humans rights it is the right to life. And that is the strongest argument of the Catholic Church against abortion. Another important argument is the physiological impact that suffers the woman who passes through an abortion.
To conclude, abortion in Argentina is accepted in very particular cases and to have one it is necessary to pass through a very long process. But if abortion is accepted by argentinean government, profits will be higher for women than disadvantages.

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008

viernes, 18 de abril de 2008


On april 17, 2008, the biggest crime against the environment happened in Argentina. A group of harvesting field owners decided to burn weed that was useless for their business. This situation triggered 292 small fires in Buenos Aires and few towns all around the city.

According to argentinean laws, burning weed to reduced cost is a crime; in addition it brings terrible consequences to environment, especially to air. And that’s the reason why triggering fires turn into a big crime against nature. The fires extended over forest near Buenos Aires and not only destroyed kilometers of fertile soil, but also they created a big smoke cloud over Buenos Aires sky, affected health of all citizens and tourist.
Additionally, the magnitude of the tragedy brought several consequences to the ozone layer, increasing global warming and accelerating the effect of this phenomenon in Argentina.

In conclusion, I can say that the lack of consciousness about the importance of environment could become a serious problem if we don’t do anything to create a sense of responsibility with the caring of nature.


Environmental pollution is one of the new deadly sins, and it has been violated by Argentina. According to the investigation made by argentinean government, air Pollution is increasing, and the main pollutant source are vehicles. Every day 8 million cars and a large number of buses function in Argentina, which is a big number. But this problem has a solution, if the argentinean government applies new laws to protect the rural sector from car contamination or it promotes the use of clean-vehicle technology, maybe air pollution will decrease, and Argentina will not only reduce the serious health problems that argentines are suffering, but also help in the preservation of the environment.

jueves, 17 de abril de 2008


Eva Perónn, better known as Evita, was born in poverty in 1919, in Los Toldos, Argentina. She was the second wife of Argentine President Juan Domingo Perón and the First Lady of Argentina from 1946 until her death in 1952.

She left school when she was 16 and went to Buenos Aires to pursue her dream of becoming a star, but when she met Juan Peron (the Secretary of Labour and Social Welfare at that time), she decided to star a relationship with him and helped to win popular support to become president.

Eva and Juan were married in 1945. Juan won the elections in 1946 and Evita became the Secretary of Labor, supporting higher wages and greater social welfare benefits. She increased her popularity visiting factories and hospitals, and holding meetings with those whom she was trying to help. In addition, she started a project, Eva Duarte De Peron Welfare Foundation, which distributed money, food and medicines to those most in need.

Unfortunately, she died at age of 32 from cancer, but she will always be remembered as “the most extraordinary woman Latin America has ever produced”

jueves, 3 de abril de 2008


Global warming is an environmental problem that refers to the increment of the normal temperature conditions as a result of contamination and other factors like the high use of appliances and water. Although global warming has had a big impact on the planet there is still a hope, and to reach it, there should be a following by the humanity to some of the strategies that scientist developed to make its effects slow or even find a solution.

First of all, scientist began studying hoping to determine some of the minor causes of these phenomena, and so far they have been able to come up with some answers. The overuse of appliances all around the world, for example, has a heating effect on our planet’s atmosphere, thus increasing the temperature of the gases in the air. Another important cause is the greenhouse effect. This last one is the result of the accumulation of certain gases in the atmosphere, where due to their properties they keep the radiation given by the sun “locked” inside the earth, causing a significant increase in the temperature. After reviewing these causes, it was very simple to come up with different ways to slow down, or maybe in the long run even stop Global Warming. Some of the solutions include campaigns which move people to use their appliances in a moderate way, use their cars a lot less (to reduce the production of greenhouse gases), etc. Some scientists state strongly that by following these simple solutions, Global Warming can still be stopped.

On the other hand, there are scientists who state that the effects of Global Warming on our planet are unstoppable and that they are only going to take a turn for the worst. Some of their theories say that life on the planet could actually “extinguish” as a result of the changes in the atmosphere, while others state that only some animals might be able to adapt and live on the new and completely different environment.

In conclusion, by understanding the current situation of our planet, people will create a self – preserving consciousness and start taking into account all the possible preventing measures, giving the Earth a slight chance of stabilizing the temperature again, and making all the “extinction” theories a simple report inside the planet’s history

martes, 4 de marzo de 2008

Family Values in Argentina

It's well known that Argentina is a country of european tradition, because it was populated by italians, and in even in modern age, their descendants still live on.

Due to this fact, argentinian family values do not differ from those of the average european family. First of all, they inherited a catholic tradition, thus enhancing the importance of the christian values (basically the Ten Commandments). The family structure is also the same as in all countries with christian heritage, a monogamic marriage, built on love and respect, children who must be taught the same values, while learning to respect and love their parents.

But with time, family values, not only in Argentina, but in the whole world have been affected by different factors, one of the most important being the MEDIA, because children who are not properly guided by their parents while having access to, for example, the internet, can learn things that contradict the family values.

In conclusion, familly values in Argentina are those of the normal christian family, and as in the whole world, this values must be passed on to children so they continue to be an important part of our daily life.

Thanks for reading !

miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2008

Seven Deadly Sins

Over-consumption of food or drink to the point of waste.
People eat so much, that they seem as if they are going to explode and they end up throwing up.
Don't you think it´s disgusting?

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2008

My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the Black Parade

When I was A young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.

He said,"Son when you grow up
Will you be the saviour of the broken,
The beaten and the damned?"

He said
"Will you defeat them,your demons, and all the non believers,
the plans that they have made?"

Because one day I'll leave you,
A phantom to lead you in the summer,
To join the black parade.

When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.

He said, "Son when you grow up
Would you be the saviour of the broken,
The beaten and the damned?"

Sometimes I get the feeling
She's watching over me.
And other times I feel like I should go.

Went Through it all, The rise and fall, The bodies in the streets.
And when you're gone we want you all to know

We'll Carry on,
We'll Carry on
Though your dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And in my heart I cant contain it
The anthem wont explain it.

A world that sends you reeling From decimated dreams
Your misery and hate will kill us all

So paint it black
And take it back
Lets shout it loud and clear
Defiant to the end we hear the call

To carry on
We'll carry on
And though your dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated You're weary widow marches

On and on we carry through the fears
Ooh oh ohhhh
Disappointed faces of your peers
Ooh oh ohhhh

Take a look at me
Cause I could not care at All
Do or die
You'll never make me
Because the world, Will never take my heart
Go and try, You'll never break me
We want it all,
We want to play this part

I won't explain Or say I'm sorry
I'm unashamed I'm gonna show my scar Give a cheer For all the broken
Listen here
Because it's who we are I'm just a man,I'm not a hero
Just a boy, who had to sing this song

I'm just a man,
I'm not a hero
I... don't...care...

We'll carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone believe me You're memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated Your weary widow marches on

We'll carry on


Dogs have been in human history for a long time. They have been helpers, companions and more importantly friends.

This is probably because of the dogs’ most important characteristics. They are very intelligent animals; it’s well known that dogs can actually understand human language, although in a very limited amount. This makes them very quick learners, and this is the reason why humans have used them in a great variety of jobs.

A dog’s place in the world is determined, most of the times, by it’s breed. They are actually more than one hundred different breeds, and most of them are completely different from one another. There are for example big breeds, like the GOLDEN RETRIEVER and the SAINT BERNARD, but there are also small breeds, like French Puddles and Pomeranian. People usually prefer big breeds over the small ones because they seem to be more playful. The three most beautiful dogs in the world are GOLDEN RETRIEVERS, DALMATIANS AND BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS.

But the decisive trademark for dogs is their devotion and tenderness towards their owner(s). Dogs tend to be really sad when their master is far away, and some even get sick if their owner never comes back.

In conclusion, a dog is the perfect choice for a pet if you want one that you can love and get love from.

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2008

Greetings :) !

Hello, my name is Adriana Marcela Rincón and I am a 19 years old, third semester medicine student.

I made this Blog as a part of my English project. In here, Im going to show some of my classworks and sometimes even write some comments and opinions about them.

That's all for know, I hope you enjoy reading my comments ;) !